NofarZur1-4223 was last modified: ספטמבר 6th, 2022 by קרן אגם
Theresa Liebermanספטמבר 18, 2023 at 5:30 am
Hello, My neighbor (Israeli) shared your site today as she delivered a gift of. Honey Cake for the Holidays…….We are actually going to Israel to visit our Grandson who is part of the Alexander Musk program…..we will be there November 4 -18. Is there any way to get your recipes in English? Otherwise I will attempt to copy / paste into Google Translate
Hello, My neighbor (Israeli) shared your site today as she delivered a gift of. Honey Cake for the Holidays…….We are actually going to Israel to visit our Grandson who is part of the Alexander Musk program…..we will be there November 4 -18. Is there any way to get your recipes in English? Otherwise I will attempt to copy / paste into Google Translate
i sorry but i have no english translation and i sugest you use google translate